AI Session Summary

AI Session Summary extracts the essence from your session interactions with your mentor. It gives you actionable insights, and transforms your week on week mentorship sessions into a concise masterpie

This feature is only available on PRO Plan Purchases

Ever wished for a mentorship diary? Now, it's in your dashboard. 📝

  1. Elevate Your Mentorship Journey:

    Unleash the power of note-keeping! AI Session Summary ensures your mentor's wisdom is always at your fingertips. Notes made easy, success made simpler.

  2. Auto Document the golden advice:

    Context is key! Your session specific discussion summary provides a snapshot of your progress. From breakthroughs to strategies.

  3. No more Pause-Play, frame by frame

    AI Session summary saves time by delivering a concise summary with actionable gems.

    Time is precious—make the most of it! ⏰

Last updated