Terms of Money Back For Job Guarantee Program

Find out how will you be compensated if you fail to get a job

1. Money Back Guarantee

  • 50% Refund: Participants are eligible for a 50% refund if they don't get a new job, or switch to a new job after completion of 12 months of mentorship on the platform post joining the Job Guarantee program.

2. Eligibility Criteria

  • Active Participation: Participants must actively engage with their mentors, the participants should have atleast one session in a month for counting that month towards the 12 month job guarentee period.

  • Adherence to Program Requirements: Participants must comply with all terms and conditions set forth by Preplaced, including regular attendance of scheduled sessions and proactive involvement in the mentorship process.

3. Refund Process

  • Verification: The refund process will be initiated upon verification that the participant has adhered to all program requirements and has not achieved their job goal within the specified 12-month period.

  • Request Submission: Participants must submit a refund request to the Preplaced support team. The request should include evidence of active participation and adherence to the program requirements.

  • Processing Time: Refund requests will be reviewed and processed within 5 days of submission.

4. Exclusions

  • Partial Participation: Participants who do not complete the full 12-month program or cancel their subscription early will not be eligible for the money-back guarantee.

By participating in the Job Guarantee program, you agree to these terms and conditions for the money-back guarantee.

Last updated